viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

random question

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and do something?

 i think about what am going to do the next day or i think about people i dont like or like or i eat

random questions

How close can someone stand to you? like people to be close to me

random questions

If you were given the power to cure one disease, which would it be?  Why?

if I had the power to cure disease something I would cure the canser because millions of people dying because of that and i think thats not fair 

random question

When someone has bad breath do you tell them or try and ignore it?

sometimes it is difficult to ignore the bad smell of the mouth and if is a friend is better to tell because the other person can make of of them

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

    future me  i hop that u are in s great school with people i love like not mean people i want people who can understand  how i feel not people who make fun of how i am because no body  is perfect and before u talk about other people u should look at your self first cause u never know how other people feel or what other people think just because they don't say it to your face it does not mean they are not saying it at all so future me i hop u are not a bad girl like u don't offend other people  just because they are how they are